Marinated Roasted Brussel Sprouts & Mushrooms

This vegan side dish is healthy, hearty and easy to prepare. In my household, we jokingly refer to Brussel sprouts and mushrooms as vegan meat. Brussel sprouts when cooked al dente offer a dynamic texture that belies the leafy structure of greens. Mushrooms are nutrient rich and with skillful preparation, can present a diverse range of textures. 

This recipe is informal. We cook to taste and with soul. We measure most things by taste, feel, and sight. 

This is the homestead way. The soul kitchen way. The DIY way of eating well and moving with purpose in the kitchen space.


Here are the ingredients and the preparation process.


Take this dish as inspiration and compose your own variation.


1/4 Yellow Onion, fine grated

2 Roma tomatoes, fine grated

2 Jalepeno peppers- green exterior without seeds, fine grated

3 garlic gloves, minced or fine grated

Salt & Cayenne Pepper to taste

Italian Herbs

3 tablespoons coconut oil


Wash, clean and halve 1 pound (16oz) of brussel sprouts. 

Wipe and quarter 1/2 pound (8oz) mushrooms. 

Combine and agitate Brussel sprouts, mushrooms and marinade in plastic bag. 

Cook immediately or marinate overnight.

Bake at 425 for 25 minutes, stir at the midway point and adjust time for desired texture.


Remove from the oven immediately after cooking and transfer to a cool serving dish. 


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